Mount Bental, Israel

Mount Bental is one of Israel’s favourite tourist mountain what you should visit, partly wonderful panoramic views of the Golan in Israel and also because Mount Bental was a important Israel’s war for the Golan.


The mountain-top bunkers open to visitors.

Mount Bental can be found in the middle of the Golan Heights, towards the Syrian border. The mountain is a popular tourist destination.

The old army bunkers are open to the public, and old beds and batteries can still be seen and maps help to understand the logistics and geography of the battle.

Recommended for Christian and non-Christian tours in Israel.

The Battle of Mount Bental

The battle itself was held during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. It was one of the largest tank battles ever and was miraculously won by the Israelis with their small force of 160 tanks. The Syrians attacked with 1,500 tanks and 1,000 artillery pieces to be slowly mowed down by the much, much smaller Israeli force. The Israeli army suffered large casualties as well and by the time the battle was over, only 7 Israeli tanks were operational. After 900 of the Syrian tanks were destroyed, the Syrians turned and fled, leaving the land for the victorious Israelis. Today, to remember the bloody battle, the valley below the mountain, reaching to Mount Hermon, is called the Valley of Tears.

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