Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv

Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv

The Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, is a multidisciplinary museum that focuses on the history and culture of Israel through comprehensive permanent and temporary exhibits in the diverse fields of archeology, ethnography, post and philately, folklore, Judaica, traditional crafts, and popular art, cultural history, and local identity.

The museum, which is one of the third largest in Israel, is spread over an area of some 20 acres, and comprises about 15 buildings and various installations. Hundreds of thousands of items are housed in the diverse museum collections, among them numerous and rare treasures.

In the center of the museum, adjacent to the buildings and exhibit spaces, stands Tell Qasile – an ancient archeological mound dating from the 12th century BCE. Additional ancient relics, such as mosaics, oil presses, an ancient wine press, flour mills, etc. can be found in the gardens surrounding the site.

In addition to the ten permanent exhibitions and ancient sites, the museum displays about 20 temporary exhibits every year, and also conducts symposiums, lectures and meetings with curators and scholars in various fields. The museum site also houses an innovative planetarium, halls of various sizes, lecture rooms and workshops, a cafeteria, and a gift shop.

Current Exhibits

Tales in Sand 2

firstTens of large sand statues will be built this summer in the museum’s garden by the artists of the Dutch World Sand Sculpting Academy and their Israeli…




Global Nature, Local Nature

firstThe most important and exclusive exhibit of its kind now in its 49th year, sponsored by the Natural History Museum in London and the BBC…



In the Service of the High Commissioner

FirstZvi Oron (Oroshkes) came to Eretz Israel in 1918 with the Jewish Legion. Having already acquired his photographic skills in Poland, he opened his first…


 The Seventh Biennale of Israeli Ceramics

FirstCultural memory is the subject matter of the seventh biennale of Israeli ceramics, which aims to explore its manifestations in contemporary ceramic…


The Valero Bank

FirstThe exhibit deals with the banking activities that took place in the Jewish Yishuv in Jerusalem in the 19th and early 20th centuries…



Hours, Entrance Fees, Address

Current Exhi Opening Hours
Sunday-Wednesday:  10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Thursday:                     10 a.m.-8 p.m. (the ethnography and folklore display is open until 4 p.m.)
Friday and Saturday: 10 a.m-2 p.m.

Entrance Fees
Adult:                                       42 NIS
Adult Tel Aviv Resident:          38 NIS (upon presentation of ID)
Student/Soldier:                      28 NIS (upon presentation of ID)
Child under 18:                       free
Child under 13 must be accompanied by an adult

A Visit to the Planetarium, including a Visit to the Museum
Adult:                                        74 NIS
Adult Tel Aviv Resident:           70 NIS (upon presentation of ID)
Child:                                       32 NIS

The Planetarium shows (in Hebrew):
Sunday-Thursday at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.,
Saturday at 11 a.m. and 12 noon.
The ticket office closes 10 minutes before the start of the show.
Entry to the Planetarium is restricted to children over age 6.bits

2 Haim Levanon St., Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69975

Phone Numbers
Switchboard: (03) 641-5244
Education Department: (03) 641-3217
Shop: (03) 745-5716
Events: (03) 643-6172
Public Relations: (03) 641- 5820, email:

There is paid parking close to the museum

Accessibility for the Disabled
All museum exhibit and displays are suitable for the handicapped.
For visitors with walking difficulties, a specially adapted vehicle that can easily reach everywhere in the museum is available.  
Photography in the Museum is permitted for private, noncopmmercial use only. The use of flash, tripods and monopods is not permitted.


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